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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 04/29/00
Posts: 267
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 04/29/00
Posts: 267
09/08/2004 10:33 pm
The point is that we live in a world community. If we are going to ignore our allies and launch a major campaign, then there is no point to the existence of the UN and it might as well be abolished. Its not about 'options'. Yes he needed to be taken out of power, I was all for it. But if there was no direct threat to the US, then it was not up to us to go in there and pluck him out while ignoring the UN. If there was a direct threat to the US, then fine lets do it. But there has to be a participation of nations in the former case.

Secondly, the president does not operate in a vacuum. All this talk about Bush and Kerry seems to be based on the idea that they will be left alone to do what they please. Not so. it would be impossible for one man to do all that work. Hence all the cronies we lovingly refer to as the administration. Kerry may change his mind often as a senator voting on bills and other such things, but as president you have countless people that assist you, get you information, keep you up to date, etc. It's more than voting yes or no on a bill. And even in the case of a senator its not always so simple, you've got to please your state, all kinds of special interest groups, not to mention a personal agenda many politicians carry in their back pocket.
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