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Grizzled Veteran
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Grizzled Veteran
Joined: 02/07/02
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09/08/2004 4:58 am
Originally Posted by: DreamRyche2112Hmm name a positive thing that Bush has done, He captured Saddam Hussien Right?? Clinton didn't, Senior Bush didnt. George W. Bush did. And you guys will proabably moan about " o0o o0o o0o Saddam didn't do anything to us." But remember Adolf Hitler, he traumatized his own people just as saddam has with his posion gas. Maybe not as extreme, but he still did.[/QUOTE]
Yes he most certainly gassed people living in Iraq. But not Iraqis. He gassed the Kurds, which are a group of nationless people living in Northern Iraq. Furthermore, that incident happened in the 1980's when dubya's daddy was runnin' the show, he should know because he had the receipts for the weapons used when the US sold them massive amounts of weapons to fight Iran in something known as a proxy war (very popular cold war tactic).

And How do you guys know Saddam Hussein didn't harbor Usama Bin Laden, "

We don't, but some evidence would be nice. It's a well-known fact that Osama and Saddam didn't like each other, perhaps this alone doesn't discount a connection between them but nothing formidable was presented as a reason for a preemptive, unprovoked war. My dad, a very simple man, kinda lumps all Arabs together and I have a feeling he's not alone.

The reason we got was that there were WMD just oozing out of every nook and cranny of Iraq and that Saddam was just itchin' to blow us off the map. Meanwhile, North Korea (the very same week) was like, "Hey, we're gonna make some nukes", and the dubya was like, "Hey, that's cool, but we got other fish to fry".
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