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Joined: 11/12/03
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Registered User
Joined: 11/12/03
Posts: 389
09/08/2004 1:25 am
Clinton's administration had a good economy for most of his run, bush came into a recession, look at the satts guys, stats don't lie. I was also reading several books, and there was a huge economy blowout in 97/98, so no matter how you look at it guys, we are NEVER going to agree. Bush came into that recession ( until you can give me facts with a doucment stating otherwise). The... Bush was attacked by terrorists while we were still in that recession, hey until you guys can think of a way to get out of that, don't criticize him.

And name some positive things Kerry has done. " we ahe to put this country into a new direction" Kerry states numerous times, but what direction is that?? He HAS NO CLUE. He has never had one before, why think he should have one now??

Hmm name a positive thing that Bush has done, He captured Saddam Hussien Right?? Clinton didn't, Senior Bush didnt. George W. Bush did. And you guys will proabably moan about " o0o o0o o0o Saddam didn't do anything to us." But remember Adolf Hitler, he traumatized his own people just as saddam has with his posion gas. Maybe not as extreme, but he still did.

And How do you guys know Saddam Hussein didn't harbor Usama Bin Laden, " The Cia doesn't know." Maybe they do... it's just people are so media conscious today. They are the CIA they are supposed to know things we don't.
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