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Incidents Happen
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Incidents Happen
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Joined: 12/23/01
Posts: 1,625
09/07/2004 2:56 am
it's like choosing the lesser of two evils though. Neither is the shining light that America needs, it's just a matter of who's battery is less dead. I am a left-winger, but i'm slightly pissed off that Kerry can't turn all the bad things Bush has done into something America will respond to. Same thing in 2000, Al Gore had so many open spots to punch, but failed to do so.

And while Kerry and Edwards were on the highroad of campaign integrity, what is this **** "W is for wrong" ? People can't connect with that, they need something that is both literal and figurative, not one of the two (example: "It's just like your car, if you want to go forward, elect Democrat, if you want to go backwards, elect Republican!") Seriously Kerry, get off that train, it's going nowhere.

Once again, I think that both candidates truly suck. Al Gore and Bush in 2000 was a joke, but at least it seemed like real campaigns.
