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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 07/06/02
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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 07/06/02
Posts: 5,021
09/04/2004 10:13 pm
Originally Posted by: DreamRyche2112Well, if you really think that sadam wasn't giving funds to usama, then all i have to say is ROFFLES.

You are only laughing at your own ignorance my friend, the two couldn't stand one another.

If you have any evidence to the contrary, I think MI5, MI6, the CIA, the FBI, The Department of Homeland Security, and not least ... the White house let alone the English Parliament and all of the UN security council would be very interested in talking to you !!

They looked and looked and looked and looked and could find no trace of a connection between Iraq, and either 9-11 or Quada.

Oh and Saddam has two "d"s, I'm dyslexic and I know that !
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